Last, but certainly not least, we will close out this Core Value Series discussing our value of Givers. We are grateful and fortunate to work in the city of San Diego along with the communities in which our remote employees reside. For the last 32 years, it has been of utmost importance for us to give back to the community that has given us so much, either through monetary contributions or acts of service. For this reason we implemented a committee of colleagues, known as the Charity Committee, that focuses on our charitable donations along with volunteer opportunities that allow our colleagues to spend time out of the office interacting with our community.
Our Charity Committee meets quarterly throughout the year to discuss the allocation of funds that are raised through our colleague’s contributions each pay period. In addition, the committee focuses on identifying different organizations that will benefit from these funds. As our team has grown over the years, we have been fortunate to expand our reach into the communities of our remote employees out-of-state. We asked our colleague and the head of the Charity Committee, Natalie Sherod, to share her thoughts on the role this committee plays at Cavignac and in the community. This is what she had to say.
“The charity committee not only helps identify and serve deserving organizations in San Diego, but also pushes forward one of Cavignac’s core values: Giving Back.”
Often the most important part of giving back to the community is the time spent with the individuals they serve. This is why we offer our colleagues eight hours of Volunteer Paid Time Off to spend in the community with organizations that they hold dear. Each year we are inspired by our community, those who have made it their mission to help those in need, and the stories of our community members that, even with the odds stacked against them, find gratitude and hope on a daily basis.