We maximize your surety creditworthiness by evaluating your unique needs before leveraging our expertise and relationships to get the best program with the best terms.
Often businesses establish and renew their surety bond program every year. Their industry might change, their operations might change, but their surety bond program stays the same. Without a systematic approach, results can lead to inadequate terms and conditions as well as lost opportunities and profits.
Cavignac’s unique approach to obtaining surety credit is called the TotalSURETY Approach™. By using our proprietary financial analytics platform, the SuretyPRO System® and our in-house surety underwriting expertise – we can guarantee the best surety terms and conditions available.
With the TotalSURETY Approach™ we tailor a unique Schedule of Services to each individual client to help them implement “best practice” techniques and create better credit, along with operational and business solutions that will have both an immediate and sustaining impact on their business.
These services include:
Proactive Advice
Financial Analysis & Trending
Benchmarking Analysis
Business Planning
Operational Audit
Contract Risk Assessment & Review
Continuity & Succession Planning with in house Certified Exit Planning Advisors (CEPA)
Strategic Counseling with Bankers, CPAs, Attorneys and other Industry Professionals
Owner Relationship Management
The TotalSURETY Approach™ not only guarantees you the best surety terms and conditions, but more importantly is designed to ensure we deliver the support and services to significantly help your business grow and prosper in any economic climate. Paired with our reliable servicing team, our Surety Executives have the experience needed to help companies develop optimal bond programs and capture more opportunities in today's construction market.
Cavignac works with general contractors, subcontractors, developers, manufacturers, suppliers and many other companies across the United States and internationally. Our Executives have broad experience placing various types of bonds, including contract, commercial, subdivision, renewable energy, court, fidelity and much more. With over 50 years of combined experience in underwriting and bond placement we know what it takes to get it done.
Need a partner you can trust to protect your business?